Our Postgraduate Careers Service offers you dedicated support from the moment you join us.
It will help you develop your personal and professional skills, connect you with potential employers and improve your overall employability. Our team designs and delivers a wide range of career — related services specifically for Alliance MBS Master's students, giving you a competitive edge.
Presentations covering:
- CVs
- Cover letters
- Application forms
- LinkedIn and other social media
- Interview preparation
- Tailored workshops
- Practice your skills and receive valuable feedback
One-to-one support
- Meet with a careers consultant to discuss your plans and applications
- Guest speakers
- Practical advice for your career
Online careers portal
Keep in close contact with the Postgraduate Careers team and receive events information.
We work closely with The University of Manchester Careers Service, giving you access to a large number of employers.
- Employer and recruitment events
- Job board: includes graduate schemes, volunteering and mentoring opportunities
- Career resources and guides
- Manchester Gold Mentoring: pair with a mentor over a 6-month. period
- Exclusive access to our alumni portal
Masood Entrepreneurship Centre is the focal point for student enterprise and entrepreneurship learning at The University of Manchester.
- Bright Ideas competition
- Venture Further start-up competition
- Guest speaker events and workshops
- Elective units
- Enterprise support
Further information >
Faculty of Humanities
The University of Manchester